

I'm sure a number of you have read the news in the past few weeks about the possible ban on pitbulls in Ontario. I don't necessarily have an opinion on the matter, and even if i did, it would be biased based on my general fear of dogs and dislike (thats too harsh a word, but i can't think of a better one) for pets (pets, not animals) for them.

Anyways, in general, i think there may be a case for banning this particular breed of dog, just based on statistics. obviously, stats arent the whole story, and untrained owners definitely have something to do with it, but this dont seems to have some built in aggressive tendancies that cause it - once provoked, to fight to the end. again, i purport to know nothing about this situation, and/or about other dogs with similar behaviour, only what i've read in the papers on listened to on the radio.

ohh...and that i've seen the damage inflicted on someone by a pitbull...

you see, when i was in the OC last week, dave introduced me to a friend of his, who, just the day before, had been attacked by a pitbull while walking in the park. he detailed to me the tremendous strength of this dog, and how he had to fight it for 5 or more minutes at full out strength before the dog finally backed off. and this dude is a BIIIIGGGGG dude...i don't even think the picture below does him any justice...anyways, he showed me his cuts and bites - basically had his ear mashed up, and his forearm torn up. Anyways, pretty devastating, and its a miracle he's not dead. The disturbing part really is though - no one stopped to help him out, and the owner was nowhere to be found - pit bull just wandering around the neighborhood unattended...

you won't be seeing me with any pets any time soon...

enjoy the pics...


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