
Last Man Standing

It is Friday, and I have done 3 hours of chargeable work this week, despite probably actually having about 50 to do. Jay Kim is close, but not quite at my level of inefficiency, coming in at 6 hours. Nerdia has fallen off the face of the planet, probably meaning that she is working overtime like a MOFO.

Based on my unofficial research, we appear to be the only three people who are still in "Phase 1" of our career cycles, as we remain at our original respective employers in public accounting. Actually, I would say Nerdia doesn't even really count, given that she was BDO NEO for awhile during school.

The rest of you either have moved onto other areas of the firm where you CHOOSE to be, have gone into industry, or have come from small firms to bigger firms as a career move and jumping block (I sold Smiley Mike out for $1000 - haha, eat it buddy). Some of you have even returned to public accounting for a second stint ("I can do ANYTHING for two months")

There have already been many efforts in the past while to extricate all of us from our precarious positions in public accounting, but to no avail. So I am starting a survey to hopefully spur the last ones on to success in our exit plans.

As we all know, survey's breed gambling, so make your pick now - WHO WILL BE THE LAST MAN STANDING? ME or the Seoul Man.

Winners will get a free drink from me at my going away party (but that might not be for another few years, at my pace)

In my biased viewpoint, I think the easy money is on Seoul Man, the most apathetic guy on the face of the earth. But you never know, one day he's going to explode and blow up the office.... But hey, what the hell do i know. In fact, what the hell do you know? You voted me as the person most likely to leave after qualifying!

Who will be the Last Man Standing?
"Hate my life" Bullpen Larry
Jason "Apathetic Seoul Man" Kim
Free polls from Pollhost.com


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