

ok fine. i relent. i succumb to peer pressure. here's some pics from days past. more "current" stuff will be posted in the future, so if you have dial-up ... well... um.... sorry??!!

Anyways, here's some pics of lucas culcio that i took for class a few years back. i was actually in union station trying to take pics, but security gave me the boot because i didnt have a permit. so i went outside in between the ttc and go terminals, where i still dont think i was supposed to be, but i guess they were too lazy to follow me or something.

anyways, i think they turned out decent for my first real crack at a "designed" shot.

let me know what you think. and pardon the dust, my scanning abilities are suspect at best.

only appropriate that i name the entire series as...

oct.02/F80/nikon 28-80 f3.5-4.5/tri-x/D-76/neg scan

oct.02/F80/nikon 28-80 f3.5-4.5/tri-x/D-76/neg scan

oct.02/F80/nikon 28-80 f3.5-4.5/tri-x/D-76/neg scan


Placeholder for the upcoming grossman story. yeah - you don't know who gross man - don't worry - all to be revealed. should have been a story for a number of weeks ago, but certain laptop theft circumstances thwarted the opportunity. i'll catch up soon.