
Just call me Tom.

As many of you faithful followers may already know, I have accepted a new job at AnonBigTelco Inc.

The first question people usually ask me when I tell them this is: "So, what are you going to be doing there."

So here's my answer.

Just call me Tom Smykowski.

Eh? Think, Office Space - The Movie. Think, "jump to conclusion's mat". I think it can be summarized in this quote.

"Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

Well, ok, something close do that. My official title will be Associate Director of Revenue Assurance. However, it probably has less to do with Revenue and Assurance than that title might indicate. Basically, I will be a contract manager. I will understand AnonBigTelco's contracts, and ensure that operations are doing their jobs, and revenue/accounting are doing their job. There will be a function of quality control in there, but its not an "audit" position. Anyways, its a new role, so there is an opportunity there to make it what I really want it to be. So if you've looked closely at what I'm doing, and break it down into the meat of what I do, then I take the piece of paper from one guy, and physically carry it to another guy. Hopefully, I will have an assistant to facilitate this process.

Anyways, enough seriousness. Its exciting and new and should be fun, and perhaps even give me a little more time off on evenings and weekends.

Oh, and the most important thing coming from all of this??

Seoul Man, you win. You are officially the Last Man Standing. Whoever filled out the survey correctly, I owe you a drink.

Drink up news to follow at some point.


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